Tuesday 17 November 2015

Splunk alerts to slack using powershell on windows

We use Splunk to aggregate all the logs across all our services and APIs on many different machines. It gives us an invaluable way to report on the interactions of our customers through new business creation on the back-end servers running on NServiceBus, to the day to day client interactions on the websites and mobile apps.

We have been investing in more monitoring recently as the number of services (I hesitate to use the buzzword micro, but yes they are small) is increasing. At present pace I'd say there is a new service or API created almost each week. Keeping on top of all these services and ensuring smooth running is turning into a challenge, which splunk is helping us to meet. When you add service control, pulse and insight from particular (makers of NServiceBus) we have all bases covered.

We have recently added alerts to splunk to give us notifications in slack when we get errors.

The Setup

We are sending alerts from splunk to slack using batch scripts and powershell.

Splunk Alerts

First set up an alert in splunk, This splunk video tells you how to create an alert from a search results. We are using a custom script which uses arguments as documented here. Our script consists of 2 steps a bat file and a powershell file. The batch file calls the powershell passing on the arguments.

SplunkSlackAlert.bat script in C:\Program Files\Splunk\bin\scripts
@echo off
powershell "C:\Program` Files\Splunk\bin\scripts\SplunkSlackAlert.ps1 -ScriptName '%SPLUNK_ARG_0%' -NEvents '%SPLUNK_ARG_1%' -TriggerReason '%SPLUNK_ARG_5%' -BrowserUrl '%SPLUNK_ARG_6%' -ReportName '%SPLUNK_ARG_4%'"

SplunkSlackAlert.ps1 lives alongside
param (
   [string]$ScriptName = "No script specified",
   [string]$NEvents = 0,
   [string]$TriggerReason = "No reason specified",
   [string]$BrowserUrl = "https://localhost:8000/",
   [string]$ReportName = "No name of report specified"

$body = @{
   text = "Test for a parameterized script `"$ScriptName`" `r`n This script retuned $NEvents and was triggered because $TriggerReason `r`n The Url to Splunk is $BrowserUrl `r`n The Report Name is $ReportName"

#Invoke-RestMethod -Uri https://hooks.slack.com/services/AAAAAAAAA/BBBBBBBBB/CCCCCCCCC -Method Post -Body (ConvertTo-Json $body)

Slack Integration

You can see the call to the slack API in the invoke-restmethod, the slack documentation for using the incoming web hook is here. there is quite a rich amount of customization that can be performed in the json payload, have a play.

Before you can actually use this you must first setup slack integration as documented here which requires you to have a slack account.

The fruits of our labor:

All the script code is given in my gist here.


Thanks to my pair Ruben for helping on this, good work.

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